

Saturday 9 September 2017

Tensho font Hanko

*** Update - From May 2022 We now have access to a seal font ***
Unfortunately we do not have Tensho font which is sometimes called seal script. I have searched the internet for a few years and always drawn a blank. As far as I am aware it is only available in Japan and can only be purchased via a Japanese bank account.
A few years ago we produced a couple of Hanko where the client had sourced the images from a third party, we transpose the image into a format that we could produce a Hanko from.
Unfortunately our client had lost one of them but we managed to reproduce it from our records and attach a 25% discount because there was not so much work for us to do.

Current costings can be found in the relevant shop page please click on the button below to view.

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Friday 8 September 2017

Jpeg to Vector Image

We recently worked with Senjokai Karate Academyt to re-work their logo into a vector image. Below is the end result.
Our finished vector image

The original was a low resolution jpeg image which if enlarger pixelates, even at full size the image is not crisp and does not represent the club in the best light.
Jpeg Original
You can see from the close up of the vector image that there is no loss of quality when an image is increased. Even if increased to the size of a building no quality would be lost.
Vector close up
The original image was traced and within our software the cure / shapes are saved as curves not pixels like in a camera image. We took the original kanji and replaced it with our stock block font, again as a vector image.

If you are interested in commissioning a vector image logo just drop us a E Mail to sotosabisu@btinternet.com

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