Medium Wing Chun Jo Fen - 475 x 315mm - Maple - Brush font |
The back story to the Wing Chun Jo Fen.
As a young boy, Grandmaster Ip Man studied the art of Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) kung fu and as he studied, he learned the rules of the art from his teacher. It is not certain if they were actually written down for him to see or if he just learned them as he learned Ving Tsun.
It does not matter. What does matter is that Grandmaster Ip Man did leave us a written record of these rules, to be remembered and held on to, for all generations to come. These rules were engraved into stone and placed in the school for all the students to see.
Ving (詠) Tsun (春) Jo (祖) Fen (訓) The rules start with this title: Ving Tsun Jo Fen. The characters “Ving Tsun” refer to the Chinese martial art by the same name. The other two characters in the title, “Jo Fen” are translated as “instruction of our ancestors”, “Jo” meaning ancestors and “Fen” meaning rules, instruction, principles, or patterns.
Yat 一 Sau 守 Gei 紀 Leut 律 Song 崇 Serung 尚 Moh 武 Duk 德
Sau (to guard) Gei (discipline) Leut (law) Song-Seurng (worshiping) Moh (martial) Duk (morality). Discipline yourself to the rules (law), and keep sacred the martial morality.
Yee 二 Ming 明 Lie 禮 Yee 義 Oi 愛 Gwok 國 Juen 尊 Tsen 親
Ming (understand), Lie (propriety), Yee (righteousness), Oi (to love), Gwok (country or nation), Juen (to honor), Tsen (closely related people). Understand propriety and righteousness, love your country and respect your parents.
Sohm 三 Oi 愛 Tong 同 Moon 門 Tune 團 Guit 結 Lok 樂 Kuan 群
Oi (love), Tong (together), Moon (door), Tune (group), Guit (knot), Lok (happy), Kuan (group).
Love your classmates; enjoy working together as a group.
Say 四 Jie 節 Sik 色 Yuk 慾 Bo 保 Sao 守 Jing 精 Sun 神
Jie (control), Sik (apperance), Yuk (desire), Bo (to protect), Sao (to guard), Jing (perfect), Sun (spirit). Control your desire and stay healthy.
Ng 五 Kun 勤 Lin 練 Tsap 習 Gai 技 But 不 Lay 離 Sun 身
Kun (work hard), Lin (practice), Tsap (practice or study), Gai (skill, but a negative prefix as in no or not or making something a negative), Lay (to go away from), Sun (body).
Work hard and keep practicing, so that the skills never leave your body.
Lok 六 Hok 學 Yang 養 Hay 氣 Gai 戒 Lam 濫 Dou 鬥 Tsung 爭
Hok (learn), Yang (nourish), Hay (vital energy), Gai (swear off), Lam (over use), Dou (incite), Tsung (fight).
Learn how to keep the energy and quit inciting a fighting attitude.
Chat 七 Seong 常, Chu 處, Tsai 世, Tai 態, Doe 度, Wan 溫, Man 文
Seong (always), Chu (to deal with), Tsai (life, or the world), Tai (attitude), Doe (degree), Wan (warm), Man (culture).
Always deal with problems using a kind attitude that is calm and gentle.
Bot 八 Fu 扶 Yuk 弱 Siu 小 Yeung 讓 Mo 武 Fu 輔 Yan 仁
Fu (to help), Yuk (weak or feeble), Siu (small), Yeung (to allow), Mo (martial), Fu (to assist or to help), Yan (humane or to love - it is the Yan from the big love, Dai Yan).
Help the elderly and the children and use the martial mind to achieve Yan.
Kow 九 Gai 繼 Sin 先 Souie 緒 Gun 謹 Chi 持 Jo 祖 Fen 訓
Gai (to follow), Sin (before), Souie (Ancestor), Gun (serious or careful), Chi (to hold), Jo (also means Ancestor), Fen (rules).
Follow the rules laid out above, and follow the ancestors rules sincerely.
The Product.
The plaques will be available in our 3 standard sizes + a custom option.
A choice of two hardwood Maple or Oak.
A choice of two font styles, Brush or Block style
The Plaques will be available in some of our standard sizes and also available, custom sized to your requirements.
Large Wing Chun Jo Fen - 875 x 693mm - Maple - Brush font |
Large Wing Chun Jo Fen - 875 x 693mm - Oak - Block font |
You will be able to select from oak or maple boards and block or script fonts.
You will also be able to add text to either side of the tiger, we can translate club and association names as "added value"
If you are interested in commissioning an ancestral rules plaque just drop us an E Mail to sotosabisu@btinternet.com with details of what size you require and text and we can develop a draft graphic for your approval.
Wing Chun Jo Fen |
Size | Cost |
Medium - 475 x 315 mm | £199.00 |
Large - 786 x 636 mm | £289.00 |
Extra Large - 1380 x 920 mm | £449.00 |
Custom - TBC mm | £TBC |
Available in "Brush or Block" font |
Oak or Maple board with Black kake (frame) |
Add your logo | £20.00 |
Add custom text | £20.00 |
Free Postage to UK Non-premium Post Codes for Medium Only - Large and Specials £TBC |
Europe / Worldwide Postage Medium/£35 - Large & Specials / £TBC |
Payments by BACS or Pay Pal at 5% Premium |
Current costings can be found in the relevant shop page please click on the button below to view.
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